Taylor Swift

Miss Amaricana

One of the greatest artists.

Only the young lyrics

It keeps me awake

The look on your face

The moment you heard the news

You're screaming inside

And frozen in time

You did all that you could do

The game was rigged, the ref got tricked

The wrong ones think they're right

You were outnumbered, this time

But only the young

Only the young

Only the young

Only the young can run

Can run, so run

And run, and run

So every day now

You brace for the sound

You've only heard on TV

You go to class, scared

Wondering where the best hiding spot would be

And the big bad man and his big bad clan

Their hands are stained with red

Oh, how quickly, they forget

They aren't gonna help us

Too busy helping themselves

They aren't gonna change this

We gotta do it ourselves

They think that it's over

But it's just begun

Only one thing can save us


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